cOmmOn MiStaKeS
اطلاعات کاربری
درباره ما
آخرین مطالب
نظر سنجی
دیگر موارد
آمار وب سایت



Insist on, not to.



Don’t say: He always insisted to his opinion.

Say: He always insisted on his opinion.


پافشاری کردن با حرف اضافه  in

نکته: persist  که مترادف insist  است با حرف اضافه in  همراه می شود.He persisted in his silly ideas






Interested in, not for.

Don’t say: She’s not interested for her work.

Say: she’d not interested in her work.

علاقه مند با حرف اضافه in

نکته:  هم چنین می توانید take an interest in را استفاده کنید   she takes a great interest in music.




Jealous of, not from.



Don’t say: He’s very jealous from his brother.

Say: He’s very jealous of his brother.


حسود با حرف اضافه   of




Leave for a place, not to a place.



Don’t say: They’re leaving to England soon.

Say: They’re leaving for England soon


ترک کردن به قصد مکانی با حرف اضافه for





live on, not from.

Don’t say: He lives from his brother’s money.

Say: He lives on his brother’s money.


از چیزی امرار معاش کردن با حرف اضافه on

نکته: feed on  مترادف live on  است: some birds feed on insects





Look at, not to.

Don’t say: Look to this beautiful picture.

Say: Look at this beautiful picture.


نگاه کردن با حرف اضافه at

نکته: هم چنین می توانید از gaze at, stare at  استفاده کنید اما look after  مترادف take care of  است. Look for=Try to find; look over= examine; look into= examine closely; look on or upon= consider; look down on= have a low opinion of; look up to= respect; look out for= expect; look forward to= expect with; look forward to= expect with pleasure; look to= rely on






Married to, not with.

Don’t say: Angela was married with a rich man.

Say: Angela was married to a rich man.


ازدواج کردن با حرف اضافه to

نکته: engaged  به معنی نامزد کردن نیز با حرف اضافه to  همراه می شود. Sally was engaged to Peter for a year before they got married.




Opposite to, not from.

Don’t say: Their house is opposite from ours.

Say: Their house is opposite to ours.


متناقض با حرف اضافه to

نکته: opposite ours  نیز در این مثال صحیح می باشد.





Pass by a place, not from a place.

Don’t say: will you pass from the post-office?

Say: Will you pass by the post-office?


گذشتن از جایی با حرف اضافه by

نکته: در این مثال pass the post-office  هم درست می باشد.







Play for a team, not with the team.

Don’t say: He plays regularly with that team.

Say: He plays regularly for that team.


 بازی کردن برای یه تیم با حرف اضافه for







Pleased with, not from.

Don’t say: The teacher is pleased from me.

Say: The teacher is pleased with me.


خشنودو خوشحال با حرف اضافه with

نکته: از pleased at  یا pleased with  استفاده می کنیم اگر بعد از آن یک اسم اتزاعی یا یک عبارت بیاید: they were pleased at( or with) what he said; they were pleased at( with) her results.






popular with, not among.

Don’t say: John’s popular among his friends.

Say: John’s popular with his friends.


مشهور با حرف اضافه with







Prefer to, not from.

Don’t say: I prefer a blue pen from a red one.

Say: I prefer a blue pen to a red one.


ترجیح دادن با حرف اضافه to

نکته: می توانید از preferable to هم استفاده کنید The car is so preferable to my old one







Preside at or over, not in.

Don’t say: who presided in the last meeting?

Say: who presided at (or over) the last meeting?


ریاست جلسه را به عهده گرفتن با حرف اضافه at, over







Proud of, not for.

Don’t say: He’s very proud for his promotion.

Say: He’s very proud of his promotion.


مغرور با حرف اضافه of




Rejoice to or in, not for.

Don’t say: We rejoiced for her success.

Say: We rejoiced at (or in) her success.


شادی کردن با حرف اضافه at, in





Related to, not with.

Don’t say: Are you related with Simon in any way?

Say: Are you related to Simon in any way?


مربوط، وابسته  با حرف اضافه to

نکته: می توانید از relation to  هم استفاده کنید:   ?Is he any relation to you







Repent of, not from.

Don’t say: He repented from his crime.

Say: He repented of his crime.


توبه کردن، پشیمان شدن  با حرف اضافه of

نکته: repentance  با حرف اضافه for  همراه می شود: He feels repentance for his sin







Satisfied with, not from.

Don’t say: Are you satisfied from your marks?

Say: Are you satisfied with your marks?


رضایت داشتن با حرف اضافه with


Content with, delighted with, unhappy with, happy with, displeased with, dissatisfied with,

 Disgusted with








Similar to, not with.

Don’t say: Your house is similar with mine.

Say: Your house is similar to mine.


شباهت داشتن با حرف اضافه to

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1958
امتیاز مطلب : 10
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 2
مجموع امتیاز : 2
ن :
ت : سه شنبه 7 خرداد 1392
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