Thank You Dear Pardis
اطلاعات کاربری
درباره ما
آخرین مطالب
نظر سنجی
دیگر موارد
آمار وب سایت

Thanks to Pardis, our weblog was live and kicking during the time I was absent. I owe her a great thank for all the troubles she underwent during the time I was absent and didn't let the blog hibernate

Thank You Dear Pardis

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1102
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
ن : Ali
ت : جمعه 1 دی 1391
مطالب مرتبط با این پست
می توانید دیدگاه خود را بنویسید

Pardis در تاریخ : 1391/10/3/0 - - گفته است :
Thank you. Neither will I

pardis در تاریخ : 1391/10/2/6 - - گفته است :
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, Sir !!!!!!!!!!i

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, don't....!!!!!i

First of all, I'm very proud of myself to be your student and hear these comments on behalf of you! anb I should be very grateful to you for trusting me in this while!i

As I had promised, I just tried to be useful during this time, but I'm sure I couldn't satisfy the learners. We were all waiting for your great pages impatiently!i

Thank you again and welcome back, Sir
پاسخ:oh come on!!! That was a great from ur side and i will never forget about all the kindess u've had towards me

آدرس ایمیل
وب سایت/بلاگ
:) :( ;) :D
;)) :X :? :P
:* =(( :O };-
:B /:) =DD :S
-) :-(( :-| :-))
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