(Automobile Words)
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> :The following words are connected to cars

Automobile - Another word for car
Mechanic - A person who repairs cars
Brakes - The device that causes a car to slow or stop
Accelerator - The device that causes a car to speed up
Steering wheel - The control that turns the car right or left
Headlights - The lights on the front of the car
Taillights - The lights on the rear of the car
Indicators - The lights that show that a car is turning left or right
Petrol - The British word for gas/gasoline
Battery - The device that supplies electrical power to the car
Bumpers - The soft front and back parts of the car
Hood - The front of the car (bonnet in UK English)
Trunk - The back of the car, used for storage (boot in UK English)
Convertible - A car with a removable top
Pick-up - A small truck
Hatchback - A car with a hatch door at the rear
Mileage - The number of miles that a car has done


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